Stirrups Configurator
You have entered the Stirrup Configurator. You will be offered a few steps where you can select a type and optimum parameters of your stirrups.
This is an order form. Therefore, this is not an e-shop in the real sense of the word, but a table with overview of all the possible dimension combinations I can make. Some of them are very popular, other ones have not been requested yet. From the front views, it is clear that these are combinations of two footbed widths (measured across a foot) and two lengths of the most used bolts. Within the stirrup designation, these footbed widths are described as "SL" and "XL" in the first place, followed by the bolt dimension in inches. The dash is followed by side profile designation with dimension expressed in US inches, as well. For asymmetric stirrups (at the bottom), there is the abbreviation "AS" in front of the side designation in order to avoid confusion.
On the second card marked "Atyp design" (AD) the stirrups are marked in a similar way as on the "Standard" tab. The number describing the width of the side profile is preceded by the abbreviation SAD (symmetrical atypical design). design) , or ASAD (asymmetrical atyp design).
* Required fields
Current exchange rate EUR 1 = CZK 25,085.
Send your configurator data is non-binding. Any deal is agreed always under separated individual communication. If the deal has been agreed and concluded, your data from the configurator is used as the production basis. Each tree is produced individually. Therefore, its production takes some time. This time will be specified within individual communication. If something changes or you find that you have made a mistake, there is usually time to correct everything during this period, without any consequences. After sending your data, I will respond personally within two business days.